Branches Pregnancy and Family Center
We’re Here to Help.
Call or Text 24/7.
100% Confidential.
(316) 975-0069
How We Can Help
Branches Pregnancy and Family Center is here with options, support, and resources while sharing the love and compassion of Christ with those facing pregnancy and parenting choices. All free. All confidential. All in a non-judgmental and relational environment. We encourage healthy choices, decisions and actions that will create safe and thriving families in our communities.
Please note that Branches does not perform or refer for abortions.
Free Pregnancy Tests
Even the thought of a positive test can bring a lot of different emotions. Before you start making decisions you need to verify whether you are pregnant or not.
Free Ultrasounds
We offer free ultrasounds to those seeking to confirm pregnancy and gestational age. The ultrasound is performed by one of our trained medical staff and verified by one of our doctors.
iParenting Classes
iParent is one of the many services we offer. Advocates take the parent(s) through classes while also supplying the client with diapers, formula and other items needed to raise a child.
Earn While You Learn
With each parenting class you will receive “baby bucks” that you can use in our store. We are stocked with diapers, formula, wipes, clothing and other household goods.
Boot Camps
These amazing classes are designed with a beginning and an end. Each specific class deals with a particular time frame in a child’s life. We are excited to introduce these boot camps to help you on your parenting journey.
For The Guys
Being a dad can be daunting. We offer a program just for you! We have a male advocate waiting to meet with you and support you as you grow as a father to your child(ren).
Healing After Abortion
No matter what drives a woman to end her pregnancy, there are physical, psychological and spiritual side effects most don’t anticipate.
But there is forgiveness, healing, and hope.
"I just need to talk to someone about this."
Our staff is ready to talk. 100% confidential. There when you need us.
Just call or text (316) 975-0069 when you’re ready to reach out.
Branches 2025 Banquet: Life Be. Cause.
– A Vision for the Future
On February 13th, Branches Pregnancy and Family Centers hosted the 2025 Banquet: Life Be. Cause., unveiling plans for the future under the theme “Reach More, Help More.”