Get Involved


There are many ways that you can make a difference through this outreach. The BPFC is run on a very small staff and a lot of volunteers. We have two locations and those are in El Dorado and Augusta. If you are interested in helping we encourage you to drop by our El Dorado location and pick up an application today. Also, you can ask for a tour and ask any questions at that time.

Volunteering Opportunities

Female Client Advocates

CA’s meet with those that come into the center needing a pregnancy test, sonogram and /or parenting classes. They offer support through relationship building and sharing our parenting/relationship building videos with them. The normal time frame for volunteering is 3 hours a week.

Male Client Advocates

CA’s meet with men who come in seeking help with a girlfriend or wife who is pregnant and/or parenting and relationship building classes. Our male advocates are called as needed and go according to your open schedule during our open hours and sometimes we make evening appointments.


We have openings for receptionists that will be trained how to answer phone calls and book appointments. There are also clerical positions that meet many needs of our staff as they serve this organization.

Great Beginnings Volunteers

There are opportunities in both of our boutiques to serve. We train people to run the register and serve customers as they shop in our store.


We need cleaning volunteers for our Augusta location and sometimes for projects at both places.

Carpenters and Electricians

We often have projects we are needing done at both of our locations. We would love to have a list of people willing to help who have knowledge and experience in these areas.

IT Services

We are in need of a technical support volunteer for the center’s computers, staff and volunteers.

Fundraising Teams

We have events throughout the year and are in need of teams that will help support and run these events. There are many opportunities within this program.

Board of Directors

We are a non profit organizations and lead by a board of directors. The BPFC is always looking for people from all different backgrounds that have leadership qualities and wish to get involved in a more intimate way of ministry.

Ready to volunteer?

Fill out our online form or contact the center at (316) 322-0070 to learn more about these volunteering opportunities.